Benefits to Students

For the students reading this section, you will be pleased to know that a College-Simulated K12 School still offers students the opportunity to enjoy the resources, activities, school organizations, and friendships that a traditional school has to offer. In fact, a vibrant student activities program plays a significant role in developing friendships, building character, and giving parents more opportunities to remain actively involved as their children increase in age.

Students will also be pleased to know that a CSL school is designed to avoid the eventual burnout that often accompanies attending classes five long days each week, especially if followed by hours of homework. And since the college-simulated schedule is structured so students attend classes less often, they are normally more eager to attend, have more time to be adequately prepared, and are normally more enthusiastic about their education since they are learning in a true college preparatory environment.th


For the parents reading this section, you will be pleased to know that your children will be challenged. Homework and work ethic play a big role, but in a manner that is appropriate for each grade level and in a manner that helps to encourage initiative rather than stifle it. And what better way to prepare students from kindergarten to 12th grade than through a gradual process leading them directly into a college environment?

As a result of College-Simulated Learning, your children will be well-trained and well-equipped with the needed level of knowledge, efficient time management skills, necessary organizational skills, and effective study and research skills. In addition, the CSL approach is designed to help foster vital, supportive character traits and values such as a strong work ethic, self-discipline, a love for learning, a value for honesty, dependability, commitment, and a respect for authority – all of which represent critical tools needed for college, technical school, and the workforce.


Benefits to Parents

When compared to traditional schools, a College-Simulated School for K12 offers parents more time to be parents and offers families more time to be families. “Time” is a very precious, valuable gift and is needed in every family by every parent of every child. It takes time to build relationships, and a strong relationship with one’s parents, brothers, and sisters is a vital lifelong asset. A CSL School recognizes the importance of parental involvement in education and actively seeks to include parents in the process.

Thankfully, most parents already realize the importance of their involvement in their children’s education. But many often feel inadequate and are fearful to get involved. A CSL School recognizes the value of parents and intentionally trains and equips them to effectively help their children throughout the educational journey, one grade at a time, and with confidence.

Heavy emphasis is also placed on the development of a student’s character, and parents are the primary players in this vital process. Equipping parents with the necessary tools for this challenge is an important built-in component of College-Simulated Learning. And many parents of different nationalities will be pleased to know that online instructions are available for guidance at home that can usually be translated into many different languages with a simple push of a key.


Benefits to Teachers

• Using their Gifts, Talents, and Training
Instructional time is limited and very precious in a College-Simulated K12 School, and teachers are expected to do what they were originally trained to do – teach, motivate, challenge, and inspire students to learn! They are not there to babysit students or to parent them, and students who choose to disrupt learning are removed for the benefit of others. A College-Simulated K12 School offers teachers the unique opportunity to fully use their gifts, talents, and training as was initially intended.

• Valued as a Teacher
The parents of students in CSL Schools VALUE the role of the teacher. Since parents are actively involved in their children’s learning, they naturally gain a better understanding of all that is required for their children to receive a quality education. As a result, these parents normally develop an immense level of appreciation for the role of a professional teacher. An example became quite evident during the COVID-19 pandemic when the vast majority of students were sent home to be homeschooled in one form or another.

• Flexible Teaching Opportunities
There are many educators with young children who need part-time teaching opportunities more uniquely suited to their family’s parenting situation. College-Simulated Learning provides educators with a mixture of both full-time and part-time teaching opportunities. As a result, educators have the flexibility of teaching with a class schedule far better suited to their family’s individual needs and circumstances.

• On-Line Technological Benefits
Homework plays a key role in helping students develop their independent learning skills, and enrolled students know homework is an expected part of their daily responsibility in a CSL School. Teachers will be pleased to know that technological advances with many curriculums now make lesson planning, tracking student progress, and most homework grading a quick and easy process.


Benefits to School Administrators

It is certainly no secret that students with diverse levels of family support are present in every classroom. Some students are fortunate to have the benefit of support at home. Other students are not. As a result, the public school system has had little choice but to strive to meet the greatest needs and demands facing it, and the most critical needs normally come from students with little or no educational support at home. However, the valiant attempt by the public school system to meet such needs has unfortunately moved it in a negative direction – a direction that has reduced the active involvement of parents in the educational process.

The inclusion of a CSL campus can enable a school district to better serve the diverse needs of its many students (and teachers) since it recognizes an involved parent as a valuable asset. As a result, teachers in a College-Simulated classroom can teach their students in a manner that recognizes the level of support that exists at home and the amount of work that can be accomplished away from school.

Cost-Savings that Improve Academic Results

Financial Benefits

Similar to a college, a CSL campus can naturally serve far more students than a full-time traditional campus and, therefore, cost less per student. During this Post-COVID era, school administrators can save on costs by selectively converting one or more campuses to a CSL campus to reduce overcrowding or to postpone expensive new building projects. More importantly, this can be done while also providing more diverse options for students and improving their academic results.

Student Success is Always the Goal

School Funding Benefits

A roadblock currently exists in many states that hinders implementing College-Simulated Learning in K12 schools. While state funding formulas exist for full-time traditional schools and full-time online/distance learning schools, a funding formula does not always exist for an approach that uniquely combines the strengths of both using a college-simulated schedule. But there are many varied solutions – one in particular that can be especially beneficial to education.

We believe the best solution is a funding formula based on competency (also known as Mastery-Based Learning) rather than time-served (the number of hours in a formal classroom). A Competency-Based formula (1) better serves the diversity of the students involved and (2) recognizes the benefit of teachers and parents working together for student success. It should be success that is always the goal regardless of the amount of time spent sitting in a formal classroom.

Capitalizing on a Key Ingredient for Student Success

A Great Business Model

Parental involvement is naturally a key ingredient for student success. It is also free to a school administrator who understands how to harness that involvement to create a successful business model. But to be a GREAT business model requires an extra step on the parents’ behalf so everyone benefits!

While most parents will gladly devote time to help their children succeed, in many cases, it will reduce their family’s financial earning power. As a result, we believe the best way to motivate, encourage, and reward parents for their efforts is to have a portion of the school’s savings (that result from parental involvement) placed each successful semester in a state college fund set up for their children. Such a fund, especially if started at an early age, would then be available to help further each student’s education after high school at a college, technical school, or trade school of their choice.
