Excellence in Education
To begin this section, readers should know that this website is maintained and sponsored by a non-profit education organization. This organization is not selling anything or promoting any curriculums. It is simply an organization comprised of concerned parents and educators who recognize that education impacts every single boy and girl in America and, therefore, ultimately impacts all aspects of American society. We also recognize that the American education system has fallen far behind that of other nations. As a result, it is vitally important that Education in America regain its place on the world’s stage and once again be Great!
For that to occur, parents must be more involved in their children’s education! That is the elephant in the room that must be recognized and addressed. It is that simple – or is it? Are there academically excellent avenues for a large percentage of parents to be significantly involved in their children’s education? Are there avenues that recognize the importance of parental involvement AND the importance of professional teachers? Are there avenues that filter sensitive topics through parents first? And are there avenues that recognize the critical benefit of school-sponsored programs that help equip parents to be the best parents they can be?

The answer is “Yes” for those who can afford a private school that uses College-Simulated Learning (CSL)! But what about the other boys and girls in America? Don’t they deserve an opportunity to be well-prepared for college should they ultimately decide to attend? Don’t they deserve an opportunity to have the time needed to develop close relationships with their family? Don’t they deserve an opportunity to grow up in a close, loving family where character, values, and education are supported? College preparation should begin at an early age, be gradual, and should definitely include parents!
Every family faces a different set of circumstances, and parental involvement in education is not always possible. We understand that! We are very sympathetic to family circumstances that prevent parents from being involved in their children’s education. But the goal must be to include as many parents and children as possible if America is once again to lead the world in education! And accomplishing that goal should be done in a manner that still benefits the children whose parents cannot be involved. They should not be left out!
College-Simulated Learning is an avenue, an alternative, that accomplishes that goal! It recognizes the importance of academic excellence. It recognizes the importance of gradually preparing boys and girls for college so they’re prepared for success should they choose to attend. It recognizes the importance of parental involvement AND the importance of professional teachers in the learning process. And it recognizes that sensitive topics should be filtered first through parents. It also recognizes the many benefits a school has to offer and that one of those benefits should be assisting parents to be the best parents they can be.

And for those students who cannot attend, the cost savings from a College-Simulated Learning School (CSL School) can be directed to help traditional, full-time schools within the same district so other students also benefit. In addition, any parent-equipping meeting in a CSL School (not specifically related to the CSL academic program) should be open to parents at other schools in the same district. A tremendous amount of general parenting information exists that can significantly benefit parents as they raise their children. But the vast majority of parents cannot conveniently access this information or do not even know it exists. A CSL School can serve as the community host for this information.
Education in America can be Great! College-Simulated Learning exists to help! We’ve witnessed it firsthand, but it currently exists only at the private school level. Our goal is to help make parents, teachers, and school administrators aware of its existence, aware of its successful school-family partnership approach to education, and aware of the many benefits it has to offer.