Learning for Grades K-12

Can Public Education in America Compete with Other Nations?
Despite billions of dollars and continuous education reform efforts, K-12 public school education in America continues to fall well behind that of other industrialized nations. After decades of failed efforts and poor outcomes, the natural question must be, “WHAT ARE WE MISSING?” And if we’re missing something, can our public education system find it and adjust? More importantly, will the change bring America back into the race for the lead position in K-12 education?
The answer is “Yes!” In fact, the solution has already been successfully field-tested and is ready for rapid inclusion within the public school system. It is called College-Simulated Learning for K12 (CSL).
CSL is a method that recognizes how academic achievement is heavily influenced at a foundational level by a student’s values, character, and independent learning skills. This vital training is a key element factored into the CSL model, and its success involves an important partnership – a partnership that improves education and also reduces cost. Sadly, like a great racehorse without its rider, that partnership is missing in most public schools today.

Can Public Education in America Compete with Other Nations?

Despite billions of dollars and continuous education reform efforts, K-12 public school education in America continues to fall well behind that of other industrialized nations. After decades of failed efforts and poor outcomes, the natural question must be, “WHAT ARE WE MISSING?” And if we’re missing something, can our public education system find it and adjust? More importantly, will the change bring America back into the race for the lead position in K-12 education?
The answer is “Yes!” In fact, the solution has already been successfully field-tested and is ready for rapid inclusion within the public school system. It is called College-Simulated Learning for K12 (CSL).
CSL is a method that recognizes how academic achievement is heavily influenced at a foundational level by a student’s values, character, and independent learning skills. This vital training is a key element factored into the CSL model, and its success involves an important partnership – a partnership that improves education and also reduces cost. Sadly, like a great racehorse without its rider, that partnership is missing in most public schools today.
Values, Character, and Independent Learning Skills
Who would question the importance of a student who is responsible and dependable, respects the value of a quality education, and respects those who provide it? And who would question the importance of a student developing a love for learning, a value for honesty and integrity, and a great work ethic?

Values, Character, and Independent Learning Skills
Who would question the importance of a student who is responsible and dependable, respects the value of a quality education, and respects those who provide it? And who would question the importance of a student developing a love for learning, a value for honesty and integrity, and a great work ethic?

Regarding independent learning skills, who would question the need for students to develop time-management skills, organization skills, study and research skills, and the self-discipline they will eventually need to succeed in college, technical school, and a rapidly changing workforce? Even below-average students, if they possess these traits and skills, can become high achievers!
The barrier to successfully developing these crucial traits and skills lies in the significant one-on-one training they require. Since traditional 5-day public schools are focused on group instruction, they cannot provide the level of one-on-one training needed at a foundational level to dramatically improve public school education. They simply are not diverse enough!
Therein lies the key underlying roadblock restraining the American public school system from successfully competing with other nations. The prevailing belief is that more money and more time in school are the solutions. That is wrong! A new playbook is needed – a playbook that reduces cost and includes more one-on-one training and the rapid advancement it fosters!

Significant Parent Involvement
The traditional 5-day school model works well for addressing the greatest needs and demands that it faces. In most communities, the most critical needs come from students with little or no educational support at home. They undoubtedly need a 5-day school model! However, in a 5-day model, it is more difficult to provide the one-on-one training needed to instill positive values, develop helpful character traits, and practice independent learning skills.
For these valuable student traits and skills to be consistently and successfully developed, significant parent involvement is needed. Unfortunately, the public school system’s noble effort to address its greatest needs and demands has shifted education away from the active involvement of parents.
To public education’s credit, there has been a recognition that these traits and skills represent root causes that have a critical impact on education – as well as the very fabric of our society. As a result, significant efforts within schools have been made to counteract the consequences of this shift. Many schools have implemented Character Education programs and pushed for more parent involvement, both on and off campus – but with limited results.
So why are there limited results when these character traits and skills are vital for consistent student success? The answer involves that very precious commodity known as TIME! Capturing TIME is the KEY! That’s where CSL can successfully leverage the many benefits of parental involvement in ways elusive to 5-day schools.

Significant Parent Involvement
The traditional 5-day school model works well for addressing the greatest needs and demands that it faces. In most communities, the most critical needs come from students with little or no educational support at home. They undoubtedly need a 5-day school model! However, in a 5-day model, it is more difficult to provide the one-on-one training needed to instill positive values, develop helpful character traits, and practice independent learning skills.
For these valuable student traits and skills to be consistently and successfully developed, significant parent involvement is needed. Unfortunately, the public school system’s noble effort to address its greatest needs and demands has shifted education away from the active involvement of parents.
To public education’s credit, there has been a recognition that these traits and skills represent root causes that have a critical impact on education – as well as the very fabric of our society. As a result, significant efforts within schools have been made to counteract the consequences of this shift. Many schools have implemented Character Education programs and pushed for more parent involvement, both on and off campus – but with limited results.
So why are there limited results when these character traits and skills are vital for consistent student success? The answer involves that very precious commodity known as TIME! Capturing TIME is the KEY! That’s where CSL can successfully leverage the many benefits of parental involvement in ways elusive to 5-day schools.

Influential Relationships Require Time
The development of a child’s values, character, and independent learning skills is heavily influenced by those with whom the child spends the most time, and millions of students currently spend most of their daytime hours, five days each week, in a traditional school setting and with peers. Relationships matter, and influential relationships require time. The question, therefore, is, “Who controls the time needed to provide the most influence?
Lovingly supportive and encouraging parents should naturally be the ones who have the most influence on their children. They should have the primary responsibility for sharing their values, cultivating their children’s character, and guiding them as they develop their independent learning skills.
Unfortunately, the length of time spent in a traditional 5-day school setting often works against a parent’s ability to maintain an influential relationship with their children. Unless significantly replaced by other positive influences, the level of their children’s academic achievement will be negatively impacted, as will their social and moral development.

A Partnership is Needed
When considering a parent’s influence, the 5-day school model certainly has a downside. But there’s also an upside! In fact, most parents recognize that a traditional school campus has an important role and purpose. It provides professional teachers, accountability for learning, classroom dynamics that help encourage student achievement, and the many resources, services, and activities normally associated with a school campus.
At the same time, a large percentage of parents also recognize their own important role in raising and educating their children. And since every parent faces a different set of circumstances at home, many are now exploring hybrid options. They are looking for a partnership! How many? Recent surveys indicate that 30% of parents currently prefer a hybrid approach where their children learn at home 2-3 days each week.
Recognizing this large demand, the private school landscape has seen a large increase in the number and variation of hybrid schools available to serve families nationwide. Since private schools face few regulations, innovation is commonplace, so the numbers and variations of hybrid schools will continue to grow as they attempt to meet the increasing demand. And as the movement toward School Choice continues to gain ground, hybrid school growth will expand even more as these cost-effective private schools begin to serve families who otherwise cannot afford private school tuition.
But where’s the public school system?
Is it striving to meet this important demand?
A Vast Chasm
Although the hybrid landscape is very bright for private school growth, it will take decades for the private school sector to expand to serve the current hybrid demand. As a result, millions of students will be left without this option unless the public school system can find a way to adapt to meet the growing need.
Education reform can be complicated, but if viewed from a different perspective – a parent-involvement perspective – public school education only offers two choices and with a vast chasm currently between them. On one side of the chasm, students can be taught full-time at school five days each week. On the other side, students can be taught full-time online at home.

A Vast Chasm

Although the hybrid landscape is very bright for private school growth, it will take decades for the private school sector to expand to serve the current hybrid demand. As a result, millions of students will be left without this option unless the public school system can find a way to adapt to meet the growing need.
Education reform can be complicated, but if viewed from a different perspective – a parent-involvement perspective – public school education only offers two choices and with a vast chasm currently between them. On one side of the chasm, students can be taught full-time at school five days each week. On the other side, students can be taught full-time online at home.
Unlike the private school landscape, public education’s middle ground is practically void of innovative alternatives. Using a car analogy, it’s like having traditional gas-powered cars at one end of the spectrum and fully electric cars at the other end, but with zero hybrid cars as a middle option. This vast chasm in public school education is due to legislation in most states that impacts how public schools are allowed to operate.

A Successful Hybrid Approach that Legislation can Target
Legislation for public hybrid education remains restricted partly because COVID muddied the hybrid landscape with multiple variations using synchronous learning that had poor, questionable outcomes. The term “Hybrid” has also grown to have many different meanings within the education field, thus creating confusion with its terminology. The term “Blended” faces the same problem.
In addition, public school funding should be protected from wasteful spending on unaccountable alternatives with no proven track record. Needed, therefore, is a proven K-12 approach modeled after a college that has been successfully field-tested and is nationally accredited. This does not imply that unaccredited hybrid private schools are doing poorly. But for legislative change, a clear, proven hybrid “Target” is needed.

College-Simulated Learning (CSL) has already been successfully field-tested in nationally-accredited K-12 private schools across the U.S. Operating like a college, these accredited CSL private schools have students on campus 2-3 days each week with focused classes taught by professional teachers. On the other days, they use Asynchronous learning at home (similar to college students) to accomplish the significant work assigned by their on-campus teachers.
These CSL schools have already experienced how to harness the successful, effective, cost-saving use of parent involvement for grades K-12. These schools can unleash a tremendous opportunity for rapid student advancement, and they have unique features that can also help benefit students at nearby 5-day campuses. As a result, the CSL hybrid model should be the focus – or “target” – used to encourage state legislative changes for the successful implementation of a middle alternative between 5-day public schools and full-time online/distance learning at home.

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